In our financial consulting services, we provide businesses with personalized financial advice to improve financial strategy, create more efficient procedures, ultimately maximize revenue, and identify growth opportunities.
JAS has considerable experience in undertaking feasibility study for various industries that enables clients to make informed decision about the projected success of a project from the financial and non-financial perspectives of a proposed concept, project or business plan.
Our finance team in perpetual divide this service into different main sections which are used as decision-making tools by interpreting numbers of features of a company’s operations to estimate the costs and forecast the profits of a proposed new project
Evaluation is an essential component of determining the worth and efficacy of projects, programs, and services. Evaluation helps to capture how projects, programs and services are performing, the extent to which your goals are being met and what opportunities there are for learning and improvement.
Developing the internal audit role to meet the requirements of corporate governance ,Implement an internal audit process, Internal audit examination and evaluation, International standards for auditing and internal auditing, Internal control over stores and inventory ,and Establishing, developing and preparing the organizational structure for the internal audit department.
Review cash flow and asset allocation, Preparing the governance model, Implementation and monitoring, Examine the appropriate strategic diversity of assets and Performance measurement and risk management.